Content: the biopsychosocial model of abnormal behaviour and illness; understanding social and cultural influences on
health; models of health behaviour and health promotion; issues of adherence; and fundamentals of clinical
communication. The module also covers the psychology of loss/injury, disability and rehabilitation as well as the
psychology of use/addiction to illegal substances (including informational counselling/psycho-education). An
understanding of the processes of psychosocial changes over the life span especially during childhood and adolescence
will be the major focus, enabling the student to contextualise other studies of human behaviour within a developmental
time frame. It draws on several theories of development to introduce learners to some of the conceptual and research
issues within developmental psychology.
Assessment: •Module mark = Final Examination (60%) + Formative Assessment (40%) •The formative assessment
will consist of: Term Test 90% Tutorial Attendance 10% •A student needs to obtain a formative assessment mark of at
least 40% in order to qualify for the final examination. •The summative assessment consists of: FINAL EXAMINATION:
1 x 3 hour Paper 1x test and 1x exam
DP Requirement: The DP requirement is a formative assessment mark of at least 40%
- Teacher: Pam Govender
- Teacher: Manogarie Pillay
- Teacher: Karl Swain