This module introduces you to the central elements and steps in planning and conducting an Ethnographic Research Project. The course aims to give you a thorough introduction to the concept of ethnographic research, as well as the central ethnographic research methods and approaches. The course will support you in completing the Methodology and research design section of your Honours Research Proposal.


Course objectives and outcomes

On completing the course, students will be able to

  1. Describe and discuss the central elements in planning and conducting ethnographic research projects
  2. Define the methodological foundations and methodical approach of their own research project
  3. Prepare a plan for conducting their own research project
  4. Explain and discuss the key methods in ethnographic research

Seminars and Student Responsibility

This course requires a considerable amount of individual work, self-regulation and self-motivation. You will be expected to come to the seminars prepared, having done the readings, and equipped with your own reflections and critical questions. The seminars will take the format of group discussions, and thus rely on the input and contributions of all students. There will be no formal lectures, although the lecturer might at times give short inputs to clarify and critique particular concepts and methods.

The seminar discussions will be framed around different elements and methods in ethnographic research, and will focus on the planning, execution and evaluation of research projects. You are welcome, and encouraged, to ask questions and make comments about the course content, and to relate the course material to your own project.

It is your [student's] responsibility to keep up to date with the course readings, seminars, and assessments!

This module is designed as a student-led and student-centred module, meaning that the seminars are dependent on your active participation. You are expected to come to the seminar prepared; having read the required material and having developed your own questions for discussion and/or clarity.

The seminars will take place as class discussions, and everyone will be expected to participate and offer their perspectives, questions and critiques of the assigned reading material. You will also be expected to take part in peer-assessment and self-evaluation.