Module Overview
Welcome to the second semester. This semester’s module is Community-Based Nursing Theory and Clinical. It is a core module offered in the second year of the Bachelor of Nursing. The prerequisite for this module is the Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (NURS208) module and the Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Clinical (NURS209). The module combines theory and clinical elements of community-based nursing. The module equips the student with the knowledge, skills and values required in community-based nursing practice, covering the clients’ homes, schools, and health centres and the skills and values required in community-based nursing practice.
It introduces the learners to community health nursing concepts, the legal and theoretical frameworks guiding community health nursing practice, and the country’s functioning. Concepts of primary health care (PHC), epidemiology, and family-centred care are applied to the approach of health care delivery and the scientific nursing process. The module prepares the learner to work in different settings.
The clinical component allows learners to conduct client assessments in various community-based settings to develop relevant and appropriate interventions to promote health and prevent diseases in individuals, families, groups and communities. This module allows for collaboration, consultation, and forging of partnerships with various stakeholders in the community, as well as referral and continuity of care.
The module covers community health needs assessment, epidemiology, family health assessment, adolescent and family planning, school health, occupational health, and disaster nursing.