This course serves
as an introduction to the field of Global Politics. It will focus on key
contemporary international issues, as well as introduce the main theoretical
and methodological approaches to the study of international relations. The main
objectives of the course are:
· To introduce
students to the main subject matter of Global Politics
· To introduce
students to the main theoretical and methodological approaches to Global Politics
·To enable students
to begin to critically engage with news and other literature sources
·To enable students
to begin to grasp a selection of key questions of contemporary Global Politics
and the multiple forces shaping global politics.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this
module, students must be able to:
·Identify and be
familiar with the main subject matter of Global Politics
·Identify and
describe the main theoretical and methodological approaches to Global Politics
·Use news and other
literature sources critically
·Be familiar with
some key issues in contemporary Global Politics and how multiple forces shape
global politics.