- Teacher: Farzad Ghayoor
- Teacher: Nathael Sibanda
Learn 2024
Search results: 1579
- Teacher: Ernest Bhero
- Teacher: Ray Leroy Khuboni
- Teacher: Cinyama Mushid (209532002)
- Teacher: Cinyama Mushid
Signals and waveforms. Frequency response of simple filter circuits, the decibel and Bode plots.
Amplifiers, the operational amplifier, and their use in various linear circuits. Diode and transistor
characteristics and their applications in simple analogue and digital circuits. Digital information.
Combinational logic circuits, logic gates and logic families. Sequential logic circuits, flip flops,
registers, latches, and counters. A/D and D/A conversion techniques.
- Teacher: Nathael Sibanda
- Teacher: Farzad Ghayoor
- Teacher: Mohamed Fayaz Khan
- Teacher: Remy Tiako
This module introduces the idea that environmental, social and ethical issues are no longer peripheral to mainstream engineering but that they should be incorporated into core strategic planning and integrated into all engineering aspects, to minimise risks and leverage competitive advantage. The purpose of the course is to:
· provide an introduction to Environmental Engineering concepts;
· teach and educate engineering students various key environmental issues;
· make engineering students aware of the importance of sustainable development;
· demonstrate to engineers how to successfully manage engineering activities that have the potential to negatively impact on the natural environment.
- Teacher: Poobalan Troy Govender
- Teacher: Mortda Ahmed Abdalla Adam
- Teacher: Mortda Ahmed Abdalla Adam
- Teacher: Tahmid Quazi
- Teacher: Tom Walingo
- Teacher: Elijah Joseph (222037450)
- Teacher: Cinyama Mushid (209532002)
- Teacher: Remy Tiako
- Teacher: Temidayo Ofusori (220112282)
- Teacher: Remy Tiako
- Teacher: Jules-Raymond Tapamo
Aim: To introduce students to the techniques used to design and analyse simple analogue electronic circuits containing passive and discrete active components for practical application.
- Teacher: Bhekisizwe Mzimkhulu Mthethwa
- Teacher: Jules-Raymond Tapamo
- Teacher: Bashan Naidoo
Computer Architecture and Organisation
ENEL4CO H1 (20L-5T-6P-0S-35H-10R-0F-0G-4A-13W-8C)
Prerequisite Modules: ENEL3DS.
Aim: To teach students about the hardware used in computer systems.
Content: Computer architecture; instruction set; number representation; redundant number system; mixed radix system;
residue number system; addition principles and structure; carry-ripple adder; carry skip adder; carry look- ahead adder;
multiplication of signed numbers; Booth's algorithm; floating point arithmetic; data and control pipelining; effects on
performance; the MIPS computer; superscalar computers.
Assessment: Coursework and tests (30%); 2 h exam (70%).
DP Requirement: A 50% average mark on laboratory practicals or equivalent assignment is required.
- Teacher: Ernest Bhero
Dear Students
I will post the course outline shortly.
I look forward to seeing you.
Dr Beharry
- Teacher: Andrisha Beharry
- Teacher: Andrisha Beharry
Analyse complex analogue systems as used in the electronics industry. Design and synthesize analogue circuits to match specific requirements. Analyse and compensate for component non-linearities.
- Teacher: Bhekisizwe Mzimkhulu Mthethwa
- Teacher: Andrisha Beharry
- Teacher: Andrisha Beharry
- Teacher: Mohamed Fayaz Khan
- Teacher: Andrew Swanson