Welcome to EDMA326.
Please note that lectures start on Monday 12 August 2024.
All lectures and tutorials are compulsory and attendance will be taken at all lectures and tutorials.
Your lectures will held in Lecture Theatre 7 (LT 7).
The times and days of your lectures are as follows:
Mondays: 2:35 pm- 4:00 pm (Lecture: Venue: LT 7).
Wednesdays: 11:30 am - 1:00 pm (Tutorial Venues: Please look at the Tutor Group Regsiters to see which tutor group you belong to. These registers have your tutorial venue and tutor information). You cannot attend a tutor group if your name does not appear on that tutor group register.
Fridays: 1:00 pm -2:30 pm (Lecture: Venue: LT 7)
I look forward to working with you this Semester.
Prof Jayaluxmi Naidoo
- Teacher: Jayaluxmi Naidoo